The Benefits of the Edupreneurship Model    
1.Getting the word out
The initial benefit of this model is a heightened awareness of things the local district is doing well.

Sharing proven successes improves morale and encourages innovation and community support

2.Attracting -- and keeping -- a talented team.
A second benefit is to provide an incentive to develop innovative thinking on the part of instructional and support staff, thereby attracting and retaining talent committed to educational excellence. Real credibility is gained by encouraging free and open communications, by providing a constructive venue to assess and review market potential, and by offering the prospect of compensation to the staff contributor.

3. Students learn and participate, too
Thirdly, students benefit from the exposure to district innovation and best practices. Some students may have an opportunity to participate as interns in developing products and services for a broader marketplace.

4.Taxpayers benefit
Lastly, taxpayers benefit from novel sources of revenues as a school district improves its financial sufficiency.